Into the dark I go. How do I let you die?

This poem comes from my book: Poetics: An Exercise in Theoria.
You should buy the paper-back…because it’s beautiful, and real books are better than digital 😁 —
I published this on Youtube as, “Into the dark I go.” If you want to listen while you read, click here:
Welcome to The Meaning of Worship
— — — — — — — — — — —
Into the dark I go,
millions of miles from
In a room full of people,
surrounded by family,
but I’m still standing
Retreat and repeat the
journey into the place
where light and dark
The bridge of chaos and
song; Harmony’s broken
strings sound all wrong.
Into the dark I dive, not
wondering if I will
But wondering if the me
who left is the same who
will be revived.
“I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m
‘Yet not for long,’ sings
the ancient song.
To live I must die.
Is it here that I say
[to my Jesus, to my
I don’t know if I can, no
matter how hard I try.
What does it mean to
How am I supposed to
run this race with no
How are we sent into the
great by and by?
How do l let “my Jesus”
fade into oblivion,
and let my self die?
“don’t worry about me,
I’m good at coming back
to life.
I’m alive,
I’m alive,
I’m alive.”